Saturday, April 16, 2005

Senseless Rantings

I'm not sure what has become of me.

I seriously want to do something entirely different from what i do now. I want to get away from this freaking place & pursue a new career. I have been looking for a new job for the longest time i have known. I'm beginning to lose all confidence & just stay on in the present shitty job.

But NO, I need a new life, a new environment, new colleagues, a NEW me. I can't be staying stagnant for the next 2 years; doing the same thing, having lunch with the same group of colleagues for the next couple of years. I need a damn change.

I have thought of the worst, quit without a job. But that would be stupid. I'm not one who saves every penny for a rainy day. I spend whatever cash is available every month. If i quit now w/o a job, that would be suicide. I might be able to survive a month w/o income, but that's the max. What if i'm unable to get another job within the month? I would be a goner.

I just attended a Resume Writing workshop this morning, though it wasn't the best; but it did make me realise that there is so much room for improvment in my current cv. I really need to step up the process of getting my new job. Ranting here doesn't help much, i figured

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