Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm going to be a flat owner SOON

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Some things in life are worth waiting for. Just like a good HDB flat unit.

My dearie & I have been actively seeking a flat near his parents in Bedok, so that we can take better of them; they declined to move in with us. Finally, Lady Luck was with us last weekend & we saw a pretty good 4-room unit that was at a reasonable price.
We paid the 1k deposit on last Sunday & the unit would be ours in 3-4 months time, our
peace haven, a place to return to after a long day at work. How nice!
From now till i get the flat, i have been thinking how should i renovate the flat? Do i want it
to look futuristic, country-like, Zen-like or comfortable? I think I'll go for comfort. I'll need
a nice bed frame with a good mattress, a friggin' good LCD flat screen tv to watch the
football matches & a couple of other nice furnishings.
This one is pretty nice, looks comfy enough.
This is so damn cool & it looks HUGE!
I could use one of those, but the flat's too small for it.
Anyway, i'm looking forward to owning my flat.


töes said...

Congrats on ur good find. =)

Val said...

Hi Sarah,
Yeah, but no choice. I simply don't have the space.

Hi Zoe,