Friday, August 27, 2004

Non-Elimination Saves the Twins

Almooost Eliminated.... Posted by Hello

Twins Kami & Karli were almost eliminated this week on The Amazing Race, thanks to a non-elimination leg that saved their skins from the dreaded fate that all teams feared on the race.

Like the Bowling Mums, they had to handover their accumulated cash from the previous legs & have to start the next leg in Dubai, penniless. It seems like a daunting task. However, if the Bowling Mums managed to pull it off in Egypt; why not the beautiful & witty twins? Hah, I didn't say that, they did.

Incidently, last week's episode of TAR has got to go down in history; thanks to Colin. He simply refused to pay the cab driver in full & the cab driver had to bring him to the police station for a mere US50. Colin was so insistent on his point of view that I laughed so hard that i almost fell off the sofa; when the police officer told him to go sit in jail. Hah!

Obviously, the strongest team seems to be Colin & Christie now. They are just so so competitive. If Colin doesn't land himself in jail in some foreign country, they have a good chance of finishing first.

However, I still adore Brandon & Nicky. Brandon looks a little like Zac & Nicky looks a little like Flo sometimes. You see the connection, they could win; you know?

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