Sunday, January 30, 2005



I know LOTR is kinda like history now. But, I just finished watching the 3 DVDs during the last weekend. I know i have watched it once when it was screened at the cinemas, but watching it the second time was still awesome. You don't get that "adrenaline rushing" experience with that many movies now.

I adore Aragon (played by Viggo Mortensen) and Legolas (played by Orlando Bloom), they played their characters so vividly that totally memerised me. There were tons of other good performances by the supporting actors/actresses as well. Not forgetting Elijah Wood (Frodo), Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Sean Astin (Sam), Liv Tyler (Arwen) & many others.

Oh yes, who can forget Gollum.....

Peter Jackson is such an incredible director that I can't even begin to mention his greatness. I wished there were more of such great shows from the amazing Peter Jackson, but i guess exceptionally great movies are worth the wait & we would have to wait much much longer for another show like LOTR to come along.

Hail the cast/crew of LOTR......!!!

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