Thursday, July 29, 2004

TAR - Fear Factor style

4th Team to go... Posted by Hello

Phew, unknowingly; we have come to the 4th week of The Amazing Race.
You can't help but notice that the teams are more scheming & definitely more competitive.  They are strategizing more than the teams in previous series. 
Brandon & Nicky just showed how true that was on this week's race.  They were originally in a pact with 3 other teams (Colin/Christie, Chip/Kim & Marshall/Lance).  Colin/Christie managed to get the 3 teams bus tickets which departed later but arrived at the destination at the same time.  The time gained gave them time to hop to the travel agent to discuss & get their flight bookings to St. Petersburg, Russia.
In the end, Colin & Christie were given the gracious go-ahead from the 3 teams on the earliest flight.  Brandon & Nicky were the smarter team out of the remaining 3 teams & scooted off to the airport earlier to secure them the second earliest flight out to St. Petersburg.
However, the 2-pound of cavier at the Roadblock was the bomb.  Colin/Christie & Brandon/Nicole lost their lead at the cavier.  They would never advance if this was Fear Factor, hah!
Anyway, was kinda sad to see Bob & Joyce getting eliminated.  They were the slow & steady type whom everyone likes.  Nonethless, they have at least got each other for the rest of their life now.  Sure everyone is glad for them.

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