Sunday, March 27, 2005

Alfie -- Did you Learn Something?


Again, a long weekend for DVDs. I just borrowed several DVDs from Raymond. Alfie was one of them.

For a start, Jude Law is one handsome dude. I never saw another movie of his after Gattaca, which he starred alongside the now separated couple Ethan Hawke & Uma Thurman. Alfie is a humourous & sexy limo driver cum womanizer living in NY, leading the dangerous lifestyle of screwing a woman too many.

Alfie isn't your usual movie, it comprised of some mind-boggling philosophies & it's kinda difficult to understand Alfie's mindset & the way he sees things. With several woman revolving around his life, it's hard not to falter. The biggest mistake was screwing Lonette (played by Nia Long), his best friend; Marlon's beau. Lonette got pregnant & lied about the abortion & moved outta country with Marlon to avoid him. Marlon & Lonette certainly didn't expect Alfie to visit, but he did & the reality did get to him when he saw the baby.

Alfie realised the dreadful mistake & the wayward lifestlye he led. He too finds out that he haven't got anyone to talk to. Alas, he ended up talking to the elderly man he met at the hospital's restroom, Joe. The latter listened & reminded him to find someone he loves & live everyday like it's the last. What wise words indeed.

Well, i guess it's exciting to lead the dangerous & exciting lifestyle Alfie had. But if you put things into perspective, what do you have in the end? Love, nope! Friendship, nope! Companionship, nope! You virtually have nothing to look forward to, wouldn't that be too sad?

Always think before you take a step or i should say, a major step in your life. You can never turn back time or press the rewind button in your life. You gotta live with your decisions & accept whatever setbacks you encountered later due to your decisions. It's the test of life that all of us have to contend with.

More DVDs please, it sets me thinking.

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